The MomCo is an organization with a Board of Directors, Staff and Volunteer Team who love Jesus and strive to encourage and equip moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus, and in partnership with the local church. (You can read more about what MomCo believes, including our Statement of Faith, at
Leader Certification
Our All About MomCo course is designed to give leaders all the MomCo basics so you can start your group well or refresh your existing group. Throughout these courses, you will hear why we believe having MomCo in your community can make better moms, better families and a better world.
But we know that along with WHY MomCo matters in your community, you want to talk about HOW to lead your unique group. As you work through courses designed for you and the type of group you lead, you’ll find answers to your questions, things to inspire you to try something new, and a chance to connect with other leaders.
Leader Training
This is your chance to grow beyond your current leadership by completing training courses focused on practical team and personal leadership. These key leadership principles can be applied both in and out of your MomCo group.
Select the courses that interest you, watch the short videos and follow the action steps. There is no time frame, go at your own pace. You can pick the lessons you are most interested in or complete the entire course to become MomCo Leader Certified and receive a certificate of completion.
If you have questions about MomCo or the courses we offer, contact your Cohort leader or our service team!